Preparing Your Home To Show:
Many sellers under estimate the importance of preparing your home to show. As surprising as it may seem, many buyers are influenced by emotions and feelings as much as they are hard facts. If they are distracted by pictures on the wall or messes in the kitchen, they may not be getting the "buying feelings" they might otherwise have. Before the first potential buyer ever walks through your door, you should: clean up, box up, and fix-up as much as possible. Following are some helpful tips for preparing your home to show:
___ Box up and place in storage as much as possible
___ Check electrical (lights, doorbells, appliances etc.)
___ Clean appliances thoroughly
___ Clean blinds and curtains
___ Clean handrails, light switches etc.
___ Clean out closets
___ Close garage doors.
___ Make sure all beds are made.
___ Make sure all rooms are clean
___ Make sure garbage cans are out of site and empty.
___ Open blinds and curtains.
___ Park cars on street or around corner.
___ Pick up all toys, tools, bikes, etc.
___ Remove/replace old furniture (extra clothes from closets, toys, nic-- nacs etc.)
___ Repaint or touch-up walls
___ Repair or replace faucets & fixtures (if needed)
___ Repair or replace old molding
___ Replace burned out light bulbs
___ Replace old bed spreads
___ Set thermostat to comfortable level.
___ Shampoo carpets
___ Turn on all lights.
___ Turn on some soft music.
___ Vacuum the floors.
___ Wash windows and mirrors.
___ Wash/wax floors
___ Mow lawns, trim hedges, sweep sidewalks.
___ Paint siding & trim.
___ Remove anything that doesn't add to the curb appeal of property.
___ Repair &/or paint all rain gutters, fences, & railing.
___ Seal driveway and clean any oil stains from cement (if possible).
___ Weed lawn & shrubbery, replant (fertilize) any bad spots in lawn.
Other Suggestions:
___ Ask your agent to create a virtual tour of your property.
___ Give your house a good smell with air freshener or home-made cookies or bread.
___ Meet the agent who will be showing your home, get a business card, and then leave if possible.
___ Ask your agent to walk through your home and offer additional ideas and suggestions.
___ Prepare a Binder "Home Book" with property information including: Information Sheet (flyer) on Home, list of upgrades, appliance and/or home warranties, floor plan (if available), current property tax receipts, paid utility bills, and information on community and schools.